scouting in the uk in Chinese
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- scouting
- 初步勘探; 男童军; 球探; 守候活动; 童军运动; 童子军的活动; 童子军活动; 侦察术
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- uk
- UK, U. K. = United Kingdom 联合王国。
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- aerial scouting
- 空中探测;飞行探测鱼群
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- director, scouting
- 球团球探部协理
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What is the meaning of scouting in the uk in Chinese and how to say scouting in the uk in Chinese? scouting in the uk Chinese meaning, scouting in the uk的中文,scouting in the uk的中文,scouting in the uk的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by